What is happiness?
Last week, I was on the phone with my mom, and we started talking about happiness."We all want it but what is it really," we were asking each other.In an interview between Oprah and Shawn Achor, author of Before Happiness, Shawn defines happiness as:
"Happiness is the joy we feel striving toward our potential."
It doesn't mean we have it all right now.
It doesn't mean everything is perfect.
It doesn't mean that there is no hurt, fear, disappointments, or confusion.
It does mean, that you are taking steps in the most powerful direction.
This is what happiness means to me...
Happiness is buying that flight for the trip I've been dreaming about going on.
Happiness is showing love for the people in my life.
Happiness is leaving if it no longer serves me.
Happiness is asking for what I desire.
(Creating a visual representation of what you desire is a great place to start)
Happiness is spending time with people who make me feel alive.
Happiness is making the commitment to myself and going for it.
Happiness is making a contribution to another being's life.
Happiness is investing in my personal growth and development.
Happiness is simply being me in a world that is constantly trying to make me like everyone else.
What does Happiness mean to you?