Transform your energy and vitality by combining simple, powerful detox practices with a supportive, like-minded community.
The Daily Detox is a step-by-step 8-week at-home detox course that walks you through the exact steps to thrive from the inside, out.
Self paced enrollment is now open, click below to enroll
Join 654 cleansers and counting…
8 Weeks to Cellular health and vitality
Each week, you’ll receive an email from me with a content overview and challenge for the week.
Proper hydration techniques, how to make your water a luxurious ritual, and water sourcing.
The importance of the lymphatic system, exercise as a detoxification tool, and the best option for lymphatic cleansing.
Why juicing can revolutionize your health, juicers for at-home juicing, and what to look for when purchasing juice.
The need for supplementation, targeted supplements for immune support + detoxification, and additional options for deeper support.
What enemas are, why are they helpful for liver detoxification and cleansing, and how to do enemas at home.
Breath work
The role of breath work in detoxification, the importance of oxygenation in healing, and simple, daily practices to implement.
Guidelines for optimal nutrition, the benefits of raw foods, and easy recipes to get started with.
Castor Oil Packs
How castor oil packs support liver cleansing, how to make a castor oil pack, and “A day in the life” putting it all together.
How I got unstuck (and you can too):
In November 2019, a thyroid cancer diagnosis turned my world upside down and required me to look at every single aspect of my life in a new way.
Instead of rushing in for surgery and radiation, I chose to take a pause, do some research, and work to discover the root cause of this disease.
And in that process, everything has changed, for the better.
So, what did I discover that inspired me to create and share this program?
Other than 2 specific non-toxic cancer therapies, every other therapy I did was focused around DETOX. Why? Because we live in a toxic world; from chemicals in our cars, homes, and food to personal care products and even the air we breathe.
These toxins take up residency in our bodies and alter the natural function and fullest expression of health.
By incorporating daily detox habits, you create a sustainable and replicable system to keep your body strong, healthy, and free of disease. How exciting is that? It’s not just one thing that will flip the switch from tired, bloated, brain fog, cravings, and irritability to grounded, energized, empowered, and embodied but a consistent application of daily practices.
It’s up to each of us to take radical responsibility to find the tools to support ourselves and our families to create radiant, vibrant health. And that is exactly what this course will do for you.
Each week has just one focus, i.e. hydration, enemas, or juicing. Along with the lesson, comes the key to learning, which is application and accountability. There will be a weekly challenge where you are encouraged to share online and in our private Facebook group. I want to hear from you, support you, and encourage you!
As featured in the Here For Healing podcast
Detoxification is the process of removing toxic build-up that may be blocking your body from experiencing it’s truest expression of health.
Remember: You can put the “good stuff” in all day, but if you are not simultaneously keeping your elimination pathways open and clear, the toxic residue remains.

You know the days when you feel strong, sexy, and confident in your body?
Maybe after an amazing yoga class, a long run, or a full day of whole foods and juicing. Those moments when you feel free, connected, expressed, and energized – the way you want to feel every day.
Unfortunately for most of us, that feeling doesn’t stick around for long. It’s easy to succumb to stress or fatigue, and reach for the nearest easy (but not-so-healthy) snack.
And understandably so...
You’re busy. You have a career. Family. Passions. People who rely on you.
And many times, your health comes 2nd to all your other responsibilities.
Since you're on this page, I'm guessing you…
Want something that supports you holistically and completely; a plan you can rely on for years to come
Crave more energy and vitality to move through your days
Are busy and need a simple, and do-able approach to wellness that compliments your on-the-go lifestyle
Aren’t in the habit of putting yourself first
Don’t want to spend thousands of dollars at wellness clinics but do want access to the tools shared there
So you need something do-able… simple… straight-forward… and most importantly, sustainable. I’ve got you.
“The Daily Detox honestly changed my life. For the first time in years, my scalp is not dry, and my skin is so clear. I also noticed a difference in the clearness of my eyes. I have more energy and my sleep is better too. Carly has a gift sharing her passion and does it in such a natural way. She is professional but also very approachable. Every time I had a question, she responded thoroughly and in a timely fashion.”
— Emily M.
“First, I have to tell you your detox program is amazing and I am seeing such positive impacts from the "crowd-out" approach without feeling restricted. My sugar cravings are GONE and that hasn't even been a primary focus. I've just been sticking to the weekly program. I could go on. My health journey has been intentional for over a year and I have seen such positive change since starting the daily detox, and I truly feel like I am on the right path now. You are such a light of inspiration and I'm grateful my sister found you on IG and introduced me to your page.”
— Mandy M.
“You will never regret investing in your health and that’s what this course is, an investment in yourself and your health.”
— Jenn W
“This detox is unlike any other. It’s sustainable. I felt like Carly was holding my hand through the process and it’s exactly what I needed through this journey. At the end of this, I felt like I could confidently let go of her hand and stand on my own. She has taught me so much and it has changed my life. I lost my mother at a young age due to illness and if I can help mitigate my risk by living this way then I’m in! I also feel amazing so that is a huge plus. Thank you Carly for sharing your health and healing journey. I’m forever grateful to you.”
— Dani M.
“This Daily Detox program has been life-changing for me. I went into it with few expectations - I just wanted to learn a little about how to be more intentional with ridding my body and environment of harmful toxins. I learned about how to do this and SO MUCH MORE! Most of all, I feel like I’m taking charge and being proactive about preventative practices that may just save my or a family member’s life. Truly. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program. God bless you, Carly!”
— Lisa L.

In this 8-week program, we will cover:
Week 1: Hydration + Clean Water
Week 2: Juicing
Week 3: Coffee Enemas
Week 4: Nutrition
Week 5: Movement + Lymphatic Cleansing
Week 6: Supplementation
Week 7: Breath work + Oxygenation
Week 8: Castor Oil Packs
One of the main ways that the body cleanses itself of toxins is through your incredible, hardworking liver. This is why several of the practices you will learn over the next 8 weeks will support the liver to do what it innately knows to do: detox.

You can experience more energy, weight loss, clearer thinking, glowing skin, better sleep, improved digestion, and a deeper spiritual connection.
You are massively reducing the toxic load on your body that has built up over years.
You will expel waste, sweat out chemicals, oxygenate + hydrate your cells, and nourish your body with high-vibration, alkaline foods.
Your body has never been loved on like this before!
This renewed clarity and sense of vibrancy will have a ripple effect throughout your family, your work, and your overall experience of life.
You will literally see the world through clearer, cleaner, fresher eyes.
You will restore your body to a cleansed and purified state.
The Daily Detox is everything I wish I had at the beginning of my healing journey.
It’s a detoxification program, yes, but it’s also a community and a lifestyle designed to support and hold you accountable in creating a powerful and radical shift in your life. We are all in this together.
What's Included...
8-Week Detoxification Plan: Located in a members-only password protected website and arrives in your inbox every Monday afternoon.
Videos: Every module has a video from Carly to breakdown the lesson and action item for that week making it easy, fun, and simple.
Lifetime Access: Once you purchase, you have lifetime access to this program. The content is always available in the members-only page and you are welcome to take part in this program again whenever you desire.
Likeminded-Community of Health Seekers: Access to The Daily Detox members-only Facebook group. This is where you can chat with other members, post photos, ask questions, or simply reach out for support.
Health Coaching Support: Accountability from your Health Coach, Carly, during your 8-week course via the Facebook group.
Weekly Challenge: In addition to sharing the WHY behind each step of the detoxification process, you will have a weekly challenge to hold yourself, and others, accountable throughout this program.
“I have suffered from keratosis pilaris aka chicken skin since I’ve been tiny. The tiny red dots, the bumps, itchiness… it just became a part of me and I gave up trying to “fix” it. I never suffered from acne but if you touch me, I bruise or turn all red and spotty. My skin is sensitive! Coffee enemas... oh goodness!! They are my FAVORITE! My skin is the SMOOTHEST it’s ever been since... idk a newborn - the red dots are even lessening. This program has been exciting for me because I am learning so much but to reach up, touch my arm and realize my skin is actually SMOOTH, was so so so satisfying, exciting and exhilarating!!”
— Kaitlin T.
“Being a mama of an energetic 3-year-old & feeling pandemic overwhelm, The Daily Detox was the excuse I needed to make time for myself & prioritize my health. It has helped me find the path to become the best version of myself not only for my daughter but for my own wellbeing too. I’m sleeping better. I feel more grounded. I’m focused. I'm less irritable. My body feels better. I unintentionally quit coffee! And to my surprise after struggling for almost a year with a frequent & irregular cycle, the detox kicked it back into normal gear. These changes will stay with me for a lifetime.”
— Kelly M.
"Before starting I was exhausted, bloated, had brain fog, and felt heavy and sluggish. I was drinking 10 to 12 cups of coffee a day and was ready for something new. I dove head first into this course with excitement, curiosity, and hope. I love the way “The Daily Detox” was laid out over 8 weeks with each week being devoted to one topic so we could gradually work it into our daily life. Crowding out the bad, less-healthy habits. This program has left me feeling lighter(I’ve lost 5lbs), no more brain fog, better/deeper sleep, and I’m in an overall better mood. Life is good!"
— Lori C.
“Carly‘s Daily Detox program is (no joke) life-changing! She has taken a mountain of powerful proven healing strategies, thoughtfully broken them out into manageable chunks, and provided a realistic attainable approach to incorporate every single one into your life. Carly’s Daily Detox has helped me to feel like myself again. This program has been one of the best investments I have have ever made. Thank you, Carly, for sharing what you have learned such an accessible format. Cheers to healthy minds and bodies and feeling GREAT!
I have had dizziness off and on since January. Since I started your detox program it lessened and then went away completely. I have not been dizzy in more than a week now... longest stretch yet. I have more energy. My eyes are whiter. My skin is more clear. I’m so excited to continue on. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.”
— Angie H.
“I used to have random pain in my arms that I attributed to my career (I am a licensed manicurist), pain in my stomach, my back hurt, my menstrual cramps were unbearable , I would always run hot, I couldn’t sleep through the night and I would wake up in a bad mood. I had tried everything even pain meds to no avail. However as soon as I started drinking my weight in water the pain went away. As the weeks progressed and we added in more changes the rest of my ailments went away. I have always known that we could heal ourselves with food but I had never seen results like this before.”
— Christina H.
“Carly and The Daily Detox came into my life at the right time. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in March of 2020 and was looking for ways to do everything I could to either heal my cancer or to make my body as healthy as possible to heal from surgery and to live without my thyroid. The Daily Detox, gave me the tools I needed to take my healing journey to the next level. Everything is broken down into steps that are not overwhelming and that can be built on over time. Things that I had been hesitant to try, like coffee enemas and castor oil packs, were explained in such a way that I felt I could do them without fear. Carly is always quick to answer any questions and the community that she has built is so supportive and encouraging just like her. If you are searching for a way to being a healing journey or have been on healing journey for a while, The Daily Detox and Carly are resources you want to have in your corner!”
— Becky L.
Y’all, ready? Excited? I am.
This information has transformed my life in the most incredible way and I am truly honored to share it with you.
Enroll now and go at your own pace.
Do you have to be local to Austin?
Nope! This is a digital product that can be done anywhere. It’s intended to teach you simple tools to use at home.
I have babies at home. Will I have time?
Absolutely! Good question. The course drips content out with just one focus and challenge a week so it is simple and digestible. For example, the first week is JUST hydration - that’s it. i.e. drink enough water :). and so forth for the following weeks. It was created to be enjoyed in bite size pieces. The time commitment is probably 1 - 3 hours per week.
Is the program pregnant-friendly?
Unfortunately, no. I do not recommend any cleanse or detox course while pregnant or breastfeeding. However, once you purchase it’s yours forever so feel free to enroll and get started whenever the time is right for you. You will always have access to the private members-only Facebook group.
What if I am unsure about introducing supplements right now?
Not all of the program applies to everyone. If you are already on a supplement protocol with your practitioner or just not interested in adding any in, that’s absolutely fine. You know your body better than I do so I trust your judgement on that. Take what serves you and leave what doesn’t.
What is the format of the program?
Each week you will receive an email with a content overview and challenge for the week. There is a private FB group where I will post videos and create discussions but you can be as involved as you like there.