Why I'm leaving Austin with a one-way flight to Costa Rica & what I'm taking with me.
This feeling is new, yet so familiar; I’ve been here before.In 2010 I packed up my life in San Diego, sold my goods, shipped my car back to my parents in New York and headed to the LAX airport with a one-way flight to Mumbai, India.I was looking for a journey, an adventure, a gateway into a life of the unknown; untapped and mind-altering experiences.I started the journey with 3 friends from San Diego and ended the journey with a random stranger who has become a life-long friend.And now, I’m ready to jump again – this time, starting in Montana and following with Costa Rica.After almost 3 beautiful, inspiring, and life-changing years in Austin, TX, I am heading out with my boyfriend, Ross, to continue pursing a reality of love, wellness, health, entrepreneurship, spirituality, creativity, growth & connection.From the moment he & I met, our love set me free and lit my soul on fire.I stepped into my truth, into my power, into myself in a way I never had before in my life and I had found my adventurer.For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a vision of exploring – unattached, unknown, free and openly; but it wasn’t the time, place, or opportunity; now, it was.The thing is, he didn’t fix or heal any part of me, he didn’t complete me or make me better; what the gift of his presence did do, is provide someone to share my whole, divine completeness with, thus expanding my ability to create in this life.I used to refer to the book, Eat, Pray, Love as my bible. The book shares the story of Elizabeth Gilbert as she travels to India, Indonesia and Italy on a souls journey to discover her truth and break the mold of how “life sound be.”There were times I flipped page by page with tears streaming down my face because I felt like she got me, for the first time there was a strong woman out there who was putting words to paper about how I envisioned my life going.The vision I held didn’t involve showing up at an office each day, ever wearing high heels unless I absolutely wanted to, living a life that wasn't 100% of my creation and intention, or going through the motions because it's what I was excepted to do.It did however involve using my money solely to fund adventures and growth opportunities, seeking inward knowing that all the answers reside inside me, allowing love to be the fuel and basis behind all I do, only doing that which I choose, giving back to create a positive shift, seeing the world and interacting with the beautiful people who live in it, and riding on the back of a motorcycle through tiny beach towns with the sun warming my face, long curls cascading down my back and blowing in the wind.And I have carried this vision with me until now.Jump and the net will appear, I often thought to myself.My sweet, beautiful friends - some of you know me as your friend, sister, daughter, co-worker or school mate. Others know me from my travels through India, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Thailand. Others know me as an Event Coordinator who worked for a personal development company in San Diego, the Health Coach from Austin, the server from New York, the blogger from www.carlyshankman.com, the Hanson fan, the beach lover, the health-nut, the dreamer, Maddie’s (my dog) mom, and the list goes on and on, and yes I am all those things, but it’s not who I am.I am a woman on a mission to explore the Earth, and through that adventure, explore myself. I am committed fully to a personal journey that includes healthy living, conscious creations, wellness, love, sharing, and connection with others. And through that experience, giving it all back to you.Unlike my mentor, Elizabeth Gilbert, I don’t find myself laying on the bathroom floor calling out to God to help me find my way while trying to get out of a failing marriage. I am not running from anything. I’m not trying to “find myself,” I already know who I am, I’m not trying to fill any spaces in my soul, I'm wanting to expand myself.Austin is pure magic; it is home to creatives, musicians, health-nuts, seekers, adventurers, and those looking for more; more from themselves and from life.Thank you Austin for these 8 magical gifts you have brought into my life that I will carry forth with me.1. All you need, you already possess within: It was in Austin that I took my spirituality to the next level. Even though it is in the middle of Texas, it is a highly connected, progressive, natural, alternative, and conscious city to live in. As a seeker, I have looked outside of myself for years and it was in this magical city that I truly began to learn and know that everything I need is within. I read, studied, and listened to Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neville Goddard, Neal Donald Walsch, A Course in Miracles, Think & Grow Rich, Gabby Bernstein, Mastin Kipp, The Alchemist, the Tao, Tony Robbins, Michael Beckwith, The Untethered Soul, and Kundalini meditations which serve as anchors for my growth and spiritual connection. I questioned, I researched, I went to conferences, and I spent time being alone and quiet with myself.
2. Friendship & Connection:"Happiness is only real when shared." This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, Into the Wild. It was in Austin that I found my tribe; a group of passionate, inspired, like-minded individuals on the same journey as me. I showed up in Austin only knowing a couple of people and felt committed to attracting a group of friends who would support and inspire me on this journey of life. It was here that I met fellow dreamers, entrepreneurs, creators, artists, musicians, professionals, travelers, and health coaches who held me to a higher standard than I could have done for myself. It was with their guidance and love that I am living on the path I am today. Thank you Austin for fostering such beautiful, life changing relationships in my life.3. Love: "Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence" – Erich FrommAll true love starts with loving yourself first, and I discovered this first hand as I threw myself into my work, schooling, business development and personal growth 100%. Through an act of divine intervention, I was led to meet my love when I was fully investing in and developing myself. I wasn't looking for him, I wasn't asking for him, I was simply showing up and living my life the exact way I wanted to. And when I released the idea of perfect love, he showed up in my life in all his wonderful glory and light.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love
4. Business growth & development: It was in this city, that I created, planned, executed, and launched my Holistic Health Coaching business. As with all things, it started with a simple idea; "wouldn't it be cool to take my passion for wellness, health, nutrition, & personal growth and combine them to create a location independent business out of it?!" From that idea, I was guided to my nutrition program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Marie Forleo's online business school and further invested myself in my full-time job with a holistic nutrition company to learn all there was to know about the body systems and its needs.It seemed crazy, it seemed out there, there was fear and doubt, but I knew that if I wanted it bad enough, I would make it happen. And here I am today, writing to you :).5. Connection with my body: For a long time, I didn't like what I would see when I looked in the mirror, I would think "if only my hair were straighter, my legs were longer, my belly flatter, if only I were more than what I am right now..." and this kind of thinking is harmful to the body and spirit. Through my studies and commitment to nutrition and wellness here in Austin, I began to see that it is up to me, and the lifestyle choices I make daily, to decide what I see when I look in the mirror. If you aren't happy with where you are at this very moment, make a commitment to yourself to invest in you; whether it's daily green juices, going to the park and spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family more often, leaving a job you hate, exiting a relationship that doesn't serve you, or feeling disconnected from your power & source, make a choice to invest in you.It was through the simple decision to love me, as I am in this very moment, and to invest in myself first and foremost, that I have a deep & profound relationship with my body now.6. Nutrition: It starts with food, but it's really about living.Sometimes, I like to refer to myself as a recovering vegetarian. For a long time, I followed conventional nutritional wisdom and during that period I was a vegetarian for 7 years, and vegan for 1. However, upon moving to Austin I started to see my health and vitality deteriorate and was having dreams of eating meat.With the support of the "Real Food" community here in Austin, in 2012 I decided to embrace good old-fashioned meat, and overnight, I added in animal protein and more fat than I ever thought was “safe” to eat – I feasted on chicken, pork, beef, coconut, raw dairy, eggs (yolk and all ::gasp!::), avocado, and butter. The effects were instant.Within 2 days of eating meat again, I felt strong and grounded in a way I hadn’t felt in many years. I felt like all the energy literally drained from the constant swirl around my head and flowed evenly throughout my body; my head was clear and alert.I felt as though I had the ability to take on more in my life because I had the fortitude, strength, and clarity to step out powerfully into the world. Nutrition has the ability to change the physiology of your body and in turn, open up more space for your true vital and radiant self to shine through. The nutrition education I have participated in here has changed the course of mine (and my clients' lives) forever.7. Movement: Austin is an outdoorsy and nature filled city which is extremely conducive to bike riding, yoga, running, paddle boarding, hiking, and swimming. There are miles of trails, natural watering holes, yoga studios, and bike paths & lanes to keep you moving and active for weeks. It was in this city that I moved from being a long time runner, to focusing more on strength training and building muscle. My weight has decreased, my energy has increased, and I am stronger in my body.I am grateful for a city that promotes being out in the fresh air over an enclosed air-conditioned, artificially lighted gym.I became a full-time bicyclist in this city and now rely on my own two legs to get me where I need and want to go; another beautiful lesson in self-reliance and knowing you have everything you could ever need or want within yourself. Bike riding serves as an active meditation, workout, and mode of transportation that I have deep love & gratitude for.8. Adventure: "One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began." excerpt from The Journey by Mary OliverAustin is full of travelers, hippies, wanderers, explorers, and adventurers, people who are hearing their soul's calling and actually listening. Adventure to me means hearing the call to try something new, go somewhere foreign, feel the feeling of fear, and doing it anyway.I used to think of it as being flaky and misdirected, but now I know, it's me following my heart and the pull to live openly, freely, and passionately.I'll let the Dixie Chicks take it from here..."Who doesn't know what I'm talking aboutWho's never left home, who's never struck outTo find a dream and a life of their ownA place in the clouds, a foundation of stone Many precede and many will follow A young girl's dream no longer hollow It takes the shape of a place out west But what it holds for her, she hasn't yet guessed She needs wide open spaces Room to make her big mistakes She needs new faces She knows the high stakes She traveled this road as a child Wide eyed and grinning, she never tired But now she won't be coming back with the rest If these are life's lessons, she'll take this test." My time here in Austin has opened my heart, strengthened my body, healed my soul, inspired creativity, pushed my boundaries, exceeded my expectations and encouraged me to dream freely & wildly.The journey continues to Montana & Costa Rica and I am ready, willing, and open to the lessons that will be provided in the next leg of this adventure.What adventures are YOU being called to?