Could it be adrenal fatigue?
“Adrenal fatigue, in all its mild and severe forms, is usually caused by some form of stress. Stress can be physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, infectious or any combination of these. Your adrenals respond to every kind of stress the same, whatever the source."What are the adrenal glands?The adrenal glands sit right on top of your kidneys and are a stress gland, meaning they regulate your stress.The adrenals convert cholesterol into cortisol (stress hormone) and they are responsible for vital hormone-related functions within the body such as: blood sugar production, immune response, tissue repair, reproduction, inflammation, and regulation of your metabolism and blood pressure.I absolutely love this video that Amanda Daley from Fuel Urban Wellness, did with Dr. Sellman on Adrenal Fatigue.When the adrenals are tired, the body may experience a number of different symptoms. The most common symptoms caused by tired or worn-out adrenal glands are:• Excessive sweating or perspiration from little activity • Lower back pain and/or knee weakness or pain, especially on the side • Dark circles under the eyes • Dizziness • Muscle twitches • Low blood sugar • Sensitivity to light, or difficulty seeing at night • Cravings for salt • Low stamina for stress, and easily irritated • Excessive mood responses after eating carbohydrates such as pasta, breads and sugar • Chronic infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast) • Low blood pressure • Light-headedness upon standing up • Tired but wired feeling, poor sleep • Cravings for sweets and carbs, intolerance to alcohol • Premature aging • Dry, unhealthy skin with excess pigmentation • Lack of libidoDo any of these sound like something you have experienced before?If you suspect you might have tired adrenals, it's something you want to address right away. Adrenal glands are extremely important to a healthy immune system and necessary for proper thyroid function.What can you do about it?Find natural ways to start supporting your adrenals.1) Get some sleep.You must rest if you are going to help your adrenals get stronger. That means going to bed every night by 10 p.m. Make this a priority and stick with it. Your adrenals need their beauty sleep!7 - 9 hours of sleep per night is ideal.According to the Chinese Medicine Clock, your adrenals are restored between 9pm - 11pm at night.¤ 9PM-11PM Thyroid/Adrenal¤ 11PM-1AM Gall Bladder¤ 1AM-3AM Liver¤ 3AM-5AM Lungs¤ 5AM-7AM Large IntestineGoing to bed between 9PM-11PM is an exercise in discipline and self mastery.2) Eliminate sugar and processed carbohydrates.Sugar and simple carbs (junk!) put stress on the adrenals. Adrenal glands help to regulate blood sugar levels. A great jumpstart to this would be to cleanse and rejuvenate the body through a detoxification program.3) Eat clean.Local & organic animal protein, high quality fat such as avocado, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter, organic vegetables, fruits, and raw nuts & seeds.Prior to 10am, start every day with a protein based breakfast.4) Spend time in nature.Unplug and unwind by going for a walk, go for a bike ride, lay in the grass and look up at the clouds, breathe in the fresh air at your local park, and leave the technology behind.5) MeditateMeditation can be as simple as stopping, closing your eyes and taking 5 deep breaths to bring your awareness back to your body. I find that a lot of people today are intimidated by the idea of meditation because there is so much stigma around what meditation actually is.Meditation can be conscious breath, prayer, awareness of your movements such as yoga or Tai Chi, or even quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of the day.Any practice you can implement to start to quiet the mind by shifting your focus from one of deadlines, urgency, commitments, and stigmas, to one of peace, love, tranquility, relaxation, and gratitude is meditation.6) ExerciseMovement. Pumping iron in the bright florescent lights at the gym can create stress in the body so all movement is not created equal. If you suspect you are experiencing adrenal fatigue, opt for movements that are more gentle on the body, such as yoga. To start, shoot for 3 1-hour yoga sessions per week to begin to quiet the mind and connect with your physical body. When you are connected with your body, you can more clearly hear the messages it is conveying to you.7) Hire a Health Coach.You can do it all on your own, but you don't have to. A Health Coach stands beside you to explore concerns specific to you and your body. Together, you discover the tools you need to create the results you desire. I work with my clients one-on-one over a 6-week period and focus on the areas of 1) Nutrition, 2) Movement, 3) Sleep & Stress, 4) Love & Connection, 5) Growth & Adventure. I'd love to connect with you through a free consultation to see if it's the right fit for you. Find out more about the Peace, Love & Kale Coaching Program & reach out to me here to schedule your discovery session.8) Spend time alone.Rest, relax, and let go.So many of us are stuck in a cycle of worry that it's hard to quiet the voice in our mind. In Eckart Tolle's book, The Power of Now, he says "there are no problems, there are only issues that need to be dealt with or accepted." By spending time alone, you are taking action steps toward building a deep and profound relationship with your body and highest self.This process of healing your adrenals doesn't happen overnight. It is a practice that must be done regularly and consistently to nourish and feed your body for optimal health and wellness. Make it a priority starting now, even 5 - 15 minutes per day will begin to create a profound effect on your body.In the video mentioned above, Dr. Sellman mentions thatjust 1outburst of anger suppresses the immune system for 5 - 6 hours while just 1feeling of joy or love can strengthen the immune system for up to 6 hours. Every. little. bit. counts.Where are you currently experiencing stress in your life? What can you do today to start supporting your adrenals?