Post-weekend Green Smoothie for Hydration.
This past weekend we celebrated the 4th of July here in the United States. It's a time for family and friends to come together in honor of our freedom and to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.The celebrations often include BBQs with hamburgers and hot dogs, beer and festival cocktails, chips and dip, red, white, and blue cupcakes and cookies, potato salad, baked beans, and the list goes on.And if you are a subscriber to the 80/20 rule, 80% clean eating and whole foods, with 20% freedom to indulge, you may have taken part fully in the festivities this weekend and are feeling ready to get back on track.Enter your friend & Health Coach, Carly (that would be me).
Below is the recipe for my favorite hydrating green smoothie to get back on track after any holiday or long weekend.
Blended Green Smoothie in my kitchen
Start your day with this on Monday morning and focus on plenty of water throughout the day, in addition to a combination of protein, greens, and high-quality fat (avocado, grass-fed butter, coconut oil, raw nuts, or olive oil) with each meal.You'll be feeling energized in no time!![yumprint-recipe id='4']Health benefits of this smoothie:
Using water as the base of this smoothie is extremely hydrating to flush any impurities from the body.
Avocado is a healthy fat that contains a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals to support optimal wellness.
Spinach is a dark leafy Super Food which supports bone health, and provides protein, iron, and essential minerals.
Kale is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family which are the key players in preventing toxins (from our air, food, and modern lifestyles) from causing DNA damage and disease (talk about preventative medicine!).
Almonds are full of calcium and copper which support brain health and overall functionality of the nervous system.
In addition to the MANY benefits of flax seeds, one of my favorite is all of the dietary fiber. 1tbsp. of flax seeds contains 8 grams of fiber to help keep the bowels regular.
Bananas add a sweetness and creamy texture to your smoothie, in addition to being full of health boosting potassium and iron.
Have any other favorite post-holiday weekend tips and tricks you love? Share them with us in the comments below!P.S Looking for more delicious and hydrating green smoothie recipes? 12-Days to Sexy Cleanse Program is a great way to kick start healthy eating and healthy habits. Join us for the next group cleanse, we would love to have you! Learn more here.